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Your Inner Vibration

Monday, November 18, 2013

Your Inner Vibration So what makes you tick? Have you ever spent time asking yourself any of these life questions: "Who am I, What do I want in Life, Am I Really Happy?" If so, you are like many of us on the journey towards self discovery. Growing up is over-rated, as you recognize the innocence of your childhood long gone by, now replaced by this often struggling adult who continually questions and analyzes ones life. The discussion of the above questions is a quest for meaning in our lives. There has to be more than this life, this job, this routine, etc. Then what is there for us? It is a time to now focus on our internal being, to go within, to be quiet, to listen to the inner guidance that has been somehow suppressed by Ego. I recommend integrating these five principles into your life:

  • Non-Judgement

  • Gratitude

  • Forgiveness

  • Self Love

  • Happiness

Take one principle each day and practice for a week. Be kind to yourself, and do it with an open heart and trust. If a moment arises where you forgot your practice, worry not, simply breathe in and start where you left off, with a deeper awareness and a changed perception. Only you can answer life's questions. The answers are personal for each and every one of us. Have faith and believe. You will hear them! Blessings!

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