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Truth, Gratitude & Humbleness

Monday, February 4, 2008

So many people have told me that I am grounding and earthly. These same people have also questioned why I am like this, and how did I get to be so calm.

TRUTH: Life experience has allowed me to be more grounded & balanced. Life has had its share of ups & downs, so why not be grounded, there is less space to fall!

GRATITIDE: Being thankful for the lessons that life choices have resulted in versus resentments, regrets & disappointment. Every challenge has an outcome of sorts. It is up to you to find the positive lesson in each challange, and to be grateful for the learning experience. After all, if we do not learn from our mistakes, we cannot grow and move beyond...

HUMBLENESS: Being yourself, being without Ego, being true to one's self, practice non-judgement, know that you and every one else is rarely a perfect personality, we are all a result of perception, growth, development, practice & action.

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