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I Can Do It

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

"I Can Do It" I am on cloud nine after attending the Hay House "I Can Do It" in Toronto this weekend. It was an amazing journey with three amazing women, and we learned, laughed, cried and talked! We were graced with sharing from Wayne Dyer, Bruce Lipton, Doreen Virtue and others. The information given to us was from the heart. Personal experiences were shared, scientific evidence was given and information from the universe was channelled. The essence of the weekend was heart centred. Our earth is in the cusp of a new flux, a fork in the road, between heart centred vibrations of love and peace versus money, war and power. No, I am not referring to any flower power from the 60's, this is the balance between spirit and matter. We are in a place to raise our vibrations, to live more from spirit and to rely less on ego. We are spiritual beings, sharing, experiencing, caring, and healing. Many earthly tasks are required from us, to bring our bodies into a deeper state of awareness. Some of those include detoxification, purifying our diet by eating fresh and organic. Also to positively place intentions or prayer on peace and well being of our selves, friends, family and the earth. To be more intune with our environment, change jobs if we need to abandon stress, to choose to be surrounded by loving, caring friends, to allow our children to experience spirit with an open heart. As we live more in spirit, from the heart, this can create a vibration that affects our environment, our community, our world. Be sure to check the web site as dates will be set so that you may come to view speakers from the conference via a saved recording of the weekend.

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